Spirituality - from hiding my spirituality to spreading it out into the world

Linda Elaine
6 min readJun 30, 2021

Wow, I never would have thought that I’d write a blogpost about spirituality. Me. Linda. Shyest girl when it comes to talking about coincidences, connections and energy.

That is my old me. My new me stands for this and doesn’t hold back anymore — It is a very big part of myself & what truly matters to me.

I am ready to talk about stuff like that and even more: it is my purpose to spread spirituality out into the world.

Until NOW there was a long journey to get here and that’s what this blogpost is about.

People are holding back when it comes to their spirituality

I have the feeling that a lot of people are holding back when it comes to their spirituality “just” because of what others might think about them.

I’ve read a lot of books from very successful women, talking about their spirituality and how they’ve kept it a secret for years — sometimes almost for their whole life!

Most of them are spiritual healers or coaches telling the exact same story. They had a spiritual awakening, didn’t know at all what was happening to them and kept it a secret for a very long time. But why is that so?

I have to say — I feel them. It was so hard for me to drop the covers and show people my true self, show them that I’m spiritual — actually spiritual AF!

I realize now that most people have already known I was in touch with something spiritual for a very long time — even before I knew it myself.

everyone is spiritual — most people just have not realized they are

First of all I think everyone is spiritual because it simply is the basis of our existence. It’s the essence of life and therefore part of every living being on our planet. Nature, animals and human beings have spirits.

Of course some people are more spiritual than others but I’m pretty certain that a lot of people think and act spiritual and they don’t even know it at all.

Everyone knows sayings like “everything happens for a reason“ or “you will know for what that was“ or “this wasn’t for you, something better will come“.

These are very deep spiritual wisdoms but people just say it without even thinking about it’s connection to spirituality.

I would go even further and say that everyone that is believing into a higher force of life — a god — is spiritual. For me as a very spiritual young woman — and I know that every spiritual being thinks like that — people may believe in many different higher sources but in their essence they’re all the same.

Am I crazy??

So, I was hiding my spirituality for a very long time because a lot of people see spiritual people as crazy and weird, putting them directly into the field of esoteric — which is a completely different thing!

I have to say, I couldn’t even talk to my best friends about what was happening to me back then when I had my first big awakening because I thought they’d think I’m crazy! Why?

Because (even worse) I thought I might be crazy myself!

That awakening was a few years ago and I’m gonna put it into another blogpost because it is so much to talk about and I kind of want to take small steps here. An awakening is very personal and everyone that already had an awakening knows what I’m talking about.

All I can say for now is that all this craziness around it made me only trust my closest friends with that information. It’s hard to explain to people when your whole reality is shifting and you start to feel and see things differently and more of that suddenly perceive things you simply couldn’t see and feel before.

I never would have thought that I would be writing a blogpost about spirituality at all, but I feel that it is time for me to reveal a very big part of who I am and I’m very proud to do so.

show yourself with all you got

at one point you just cannot hide that you’re spiritual anymore

So, the thing is that you cannot hide everything about your spirituality. Sometimes it just comes through, whether you like it or not — especially when it comes to coincidences that are simply not coincidences!

When you accidently bump into a guy 5 times in a row in just two days YES the universe definitely wants to tell you something and NO it is absolutely no coincidence! These are moments when you obviously look confused and just have no clue what’s going on right now.

there is no such thing as coincidence

Anyway, in my life there simply is no such thing as coincidence anymore. I think coincidences never did exist but I see everything much more clearly now..

So, when things like that start to happen — I actually notice them and you can too! These experiences are synchronicities and the universe trying to communicate with you. It is trying to catch your attention because there’s something you need to know, something you should have a deeper look at.

what helped me to shine out my spirituality

So, why do I want to talk about spirituality NOW? I have to say, the year 2020 had a huuuge impact on showing myself and my spirituality to the world. What happened with this pandemic was not “just” the pandemic — it was a lot more energetically. The whole world shifted.

I call it a mass awakening because people started to question everything — the meaning of life, their own lifes, society, how we live on that planet and especially how we should live on this planet and interact with each other.

Namely with a lot more love and respect for our earth and all the people and animals living on this planet. The energy simply shifted — and it still is shifting — from a very dominant masculine energy into a much more loving and caring feminine energy.

Spirituality became a trend — everyone feels the change

I have the feeling that with all of this a lot more people got into spiritual topics because of questioning everything and simply feeling that change of energy without even knowing it.

Spirituality suddenly became more popular and started to become a trend especially on social media.

I think people are really getting interested in their own existence and in getting some sort of guidance and help in general. A lot of people felt really lost during this pandemic and were forced to deal with themselves.

Therefore spiritual practices like meditation or yoga became a big thing for dealing with anxiety, stress and healing in general.

Guess what? I never told anyone that I was meditating for a long time now because I didn’t want people to know I was doing spiritual practices. Sometimes I even felt ashamed about doing healing this way whereas other times I simply wanted to hide this sacred practice so that nobody could stain it with something negative or make jokes about it.

This trend to work on spirituality and everything about it helped me to come out of my den and reveal my spiritual side to the world — and I’m still working on it!

People have always seen this spirituality inside of me and kept coming up to me with questions about the deeper meaning of their lives, asking me for help and guidance. I think that’s actually what I’m here for.

Thankful for who I am

It really was a long journey for me to talk about this topic but I’ve learned a lot about myself and the universe along the way! I’m very proud of what I’ve been through so far and looking forward to what else I’ll go through.

Spirituality is a big part of me and I just love to write about & talk about it..

& believe me — a lot more is yet to come ;)

I’m sending lot’s of love





Linda Elaine

Hey you:) I'm Linda and I'm here to just write out my thoughts, feelings and beliefs about life, society & spirituality - enjoy my own kind of arts xxx