The difference between running away & moving on

Linda Elaine
5 min readFeb 16, 2022

In this article I want to highlight the differences between running away from a person / situation / environment to moving on with it.

As you already may consider, running away will not solve your problem. Instead of leaving it behind, you’re gonna carry it with you — as far as I can tell.

Find out how you can get from running into moving by reading my article about this topic.

running away won’t solve your problems

Most of the people really run away from their problems. And I did as well for a very long time. There’s nothing to judge about because problems are uncomfortable to face & go through — so why not taking the easy way in just turning your back on them?

so WHY not?

why not just leaving the problem behind — leaving the person / situation / environment?

The answer is so simple yet hard to implement. If your relationship doesn’t work the way you want it to work, if your partner is just triggering the s*#$ out of you and it just seems that he or she is the wrong one…

If your new workplace is challenging you so much, you almost can’t get along with your colleagues and it seems like you & your boss are just not on the same page…

If the environment you’re in right now — your family, your friends click, your sports group or your gym, your class or your home — just won’t make you feel heard, appreciated and happy…

… have you ever turned your perception


instead of “the problem”?

stop, turn around your focus & face yourself

& here comes the juicy part about the NEED TO RUN AWAY

The problems and challenges you are facing are your own mirror. They’re showing you your own insecurities, wounds and shadows. Your partner, your job, your colleagues, your boss, your whole environment is simply a reflection of yourself.

You’ve manifested this. Those are exactly the things that are a vibrational match to your energy and the frequency you’re constantly sending out.


For many people this is so hard to understand. But everything in their lives is just one big reflection of themselves. And if a problem comes up, a trigger that appears in your life — it is not them — it is YOU.

& this is your gift.

This gift shows you, where you need to grow. It shows you what needs your attention atm & what wants to be healed. What wants to be worked on.

So be thankful for this and face it. Have the courage to face it!

don’t run away!

Most of the people tho cannot see it as a message, as a gift that was shown to them. They won’t see it as their own reflection instead of the others fault.

So many people always find the cause of a problem in others.

Because the others are the bad ones..

this is just so simple. way too simple.


And it is only on YOU to grow through this and to NOT just run away from it!

When you run away from your stuff you blame it on others. Those people that run away from their problems just leave the situation because they won’t work on themselves. They just won’t accept, that at some point in their lives it is time to grow. It is time to face things!

running away is so simple..

..but it is so stupid at the same time!

& here comes the difference between running away & moving on that you now will understand on a much deeper level.

running away

is not working on yourself. It is not facing your triggers and growing out of them. So you run away from them. But what you may not know at this time — but soon you will — your problem is NOT GONNA BE SOLVED by this.

Instead, your problem is running away with you.

let’s say, you’re carrying it with you. Because it is not out there in other people, your job or your environment — it is inside of you. And it wants to break out! If you don’t let it out, if you won’t let it come to the surface — it will simply stay inside you.

And I’m telling you one thing. It will show up again. It will be reflected in your next partner, your new job or your new home.

Your outside world is a reflection of your inside world.

so why not working on it NOW, why carrying that s*#$ for such a long time?


because it is painful. healing means pain. but healing means also releasing, growing, and love. of course you need to face your shadows, sure. But what is the better option: either go through a period of shadow work, facing your demons & finally breaking free from them or carrying them with you for the rest of your life?

The answer needs to know everybody for themselves..

I go for the healing. Always. Because I go for the moving on & that’s what I want to describe now.

Moving on…

is so much stronger than running away! It is walking away in peace.

moving on is walking away in peace
moving on is walking away in peace

Moving on carries so much strength! It’s your strength, it’s the strength that you’ve worked for.

When you are able to move on in your life, you can leave without any pain. Even better than that. You can go with love & grace.

You’ve gone through a major process of facing yourself, your shadows & implementing what really matters in your life.

You’ve thrown away all of what’s not serving you any longer, what was weighing you down, keeping you small and just won’t do you any good.

That could be anything. Outdated behaviors, negative thought patterns, self limiting beliefs, less self worth, self love, and so on…

BUT — you did it!

You’ve worked yourself through this! And suddenly you feel there is a healing going on inside of you! You feel that something is changing — that YOU are changing…

… and so is the world around you. You begin to recognize that your partner, your job or the environment you live in doesn’t match with you anymore. It is no vibrational fit anymore.

And with that, your outside world begins to change. Just because of your inside world did.

That’s when the magic begins to happen & that’s when you’re able to move on.

To move on is a state you’re gonna reach when you can leave a person / job / situation with ease. There’s no negative feelings about this. No anger, frustration or hate you’re gonna carry on with you.

No. There is just love and gratitude that you’ve made it through. That you are stronger now. That you are able now to move on.

The universe will reward you for this and everything will fall into place like magic.

— & WHY?

.. because it simply was time for you to move on.



Linda Elaine

Hey you:) I'm Linda and I'm here to just write out my thoughts, feelings and beliefs about life, society & spirituality - enjoy my own kind of arts xxx